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Business Strategy,  Product Management,  Risk Management

Understanding Product Risk Taxonomy: Why It Matters and How to Manage It

In the world of product management, understanding and managing risks is paramount. The risks associated with developing, launching, and maintaining a product can greatly impact its success in the market. A well-structured product risk taxonomy can be the difference between a successful product launch and a failed one. But what is product risk taxonomy? And how can you capture and deal with these risks effectively? Let’s dive in.


What is Product Risk Taxonomy?


Think of product risk taxonomy as a roadmap. It’s a way to list and understand the bumps and challenges you might encounter with your product. With this map, teams can easily spot, rank, and tackle these challenges. It’s all about being prepared for the journey ahead!


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 Examples of Product Risks and Real-World Solutions


Technical Risks

Technical risk relates to all the dangers linked to how the product looks, works, and its tech features.

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Regulatory Risks

These involve potential legal and compliance issues that may arise due to regulations in a particular industry or market.

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Market Risks

These risks relate to how a product might be received in the market, including competition, customer acceptance, and market dynamics.

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Operational Risks

These risks concern the processes, people, and systems in place that support the product.

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How to Capture and Deal with Risks


Spotting the Risks (Risk Identification)

Before anything else, you’ve got to know what you’re up against. Imagine setting out on a treasure hunt – you would only start with a map! Gather your team for brainstorming sessions, tap into industry experts for interviews, and dive deep into market research. This will help you sketch out the landscape of possible challenges that could pop up with your product.


Understanding the Risks (Risk Analysis)

Now that you’ve got your list, it’s time to understand the weight of each risk. Ask yourself: How likely is this to happen? And if it does, how bad could it be? Tools like the Risk Matrix aren’t just fancy jargon—they’re handy gadgets that can help you visualise and gauge these risks.


Deciding What to Tackle First (Risk Prioritisation)

You’ve got limited time and resources. So, which risk do you deal with first? Prioritise them! Just as you’d deal with a leaking pipe before fixing a squeaky door, allocate your resources to tackle the risks that are most likely to occur and could cause the most damage.


Preparing Your Defence (Risk Mitigation)

It’s strategy time! For each risk, brainstorm ways to reduce its impact. This could mean tweaking product features, shifting your marketing approach, or sometimes, taking a step back to reconsider if the product is ready. Remember, it’s about being proactive, not reactive.


Keeping an Eye Out (Continuous Monitoring)

Risk management isn’t a one-and-done task. The market changes, technology evolves, and new challenges emerge. Make it a habit to revisit and refresh your risk map regularly. Adjust for any new potential hurdles and reshuffle your priorities when needed. Stay alert and be ready to adapt!


Final Thoughts

Understanding your product risk taxonomy isn’t just a theoretical exercise. It’s a practical approach to foreseeing challenges and setting your product up for success. By proactively identifying, analysing, and addressing risks, you safeguard your product and give it the best chance to thrive in the market.

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