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The Art of Note-Taking: How to Extract Gold from Your Scribbles!

Hello to all the note-lovers and scribble enthusiasts out there! If you’ve ever found yourself knee-deep in a pile of hastily jotted down notes, thinking, “Why can’t I find that one golden nugget of information I need?” then today’s your lucky day.


Choose the Right Tool for You


Digital or Paper?

Some swear by traditional pen and paper, while others live by apps like Evernote or Notion. Whichever you prefer, remember the wise words of the carpenter: it’s not about the tool but how you use it!

But wait – there’s a new player in the note-taking arena! For those caught between the allure of traditional penmanship and the convenience of the digital age, there’s Rocketbook. This genius invention is a reusable notebook that feels like your usual paper buddy but has the smarts to upload your notes directly to the cloud. Once you’ve scribbled to your heart’s content, scan your notes, send them soaring to your chosen digital platform, and wipe the pages clean with some water for your next burst of inspiration. As an environmentally-conscious author, Rocketbook is my choice, blending the best of both worlds: the satisfaction of hand-written notes and the eco-friendly ease of digital storage. It’s the future with a classic twist!


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Use Symbols and Highlights

Venturing through a maze of notes without clear markers is akin to exploring a dense forest without a map. Enter symbols and highlights – your trusty navigational tools to mark where the treasures lie.


Why Symbols?

Symbols are brief, universally understood, and provide instant visual cues. They help you swiftly pinpoint key takeaways, uncertainties, or moments of delight in your notes.


The Highlighter’s Spotlight

Think of highlighters as your note’s limelight, focusing your attention on crucial details. By using varied colours, you can categorize and prioritize information with ease.


Craft Your Code

The beauty lies in customisation. Whether you opt for triangles to denote major ideas or different-coloured underlines for diverse topics, it’s all about what resonates with you.


Take Bob. In the realm of notes, he’s an innovator. Stars denote significance, question marks flag doubts, and smiley faces capture joyous nuggets. His symbols leap off the page, making revisions both swift and enjoyable. Bob effortlessly navigates his notes with his tailored system, ensuring he never misses a beat.


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Keep it Short and Sweet

Avoid verbatim scribbling. Listen, understand, and then jot down the essence in your own words.

Let’s dive into a product strategy meeting.


Verbose Notes:
1. The CEO emphasised that our main goal for the next quarter should be to focus on improving user retention rates since that has been a consistent issue over the last two financial periods. We must direct our teams towards understanding the reasons behind user drop-offs.
2. The UX team suggested that perhaps one of the primary reasons users are not returning to the platform is the confusing layout of our dashboard, and it’s something they’re looking into redesigning.


Concise Notes using Bob’s method:
1. Next quarter goal = Boost user retention (Issue in past 2 quarters). Investigate user drop-off reasons.
2. UX insight: Dashboard layout confusing? Plan for redesign.


Organise as You Go

Let’s be honest: rummaging through an abyss of text isn’t fun. Use headings, sub-headings, and bullet points.

Structure is the bedrock of effective note-taking, especially in the fast-paced product management environment. The more precise your organization, the easier it’ll be to revisit and extract the information later. Employ headings, sub-headings, and bullet points to partition information neatly.

Let’s take a look at Sally’s notes during a feature prioritisation meeting for a new app:


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Review and Revise

The calm of review and revision comes after the storm of meetings and brainstorming sessions. Information is your superpower in product management, but only if it’s refined and accessible. Revisiting your notes, trimming the fluff, and spotlighting the key ideas ensure you’re always at the top of your game.

After an extensive meeting on feature development, Tod jotted down multiple pages on user feedback, feature specs, potential challenges, and milestones. They were invaluable but overwhelming. But Tim, being the savvy product manager he is, didn’t stop there.

He revisited his notes, extracting the crux. By the end, he transformed his sprawling eight pages into a crisp, single-page action plan:


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Quiz Yourself

There’s a little trick that top-performing product managers use to ensure they retain the most vital nuggets from their heap of notes: they quiz themselves. Turning your notes into questions cements the information in your memory and prepares you for potential questions from stakeholders or team members.

After a detailed analysis of market trends and user behaviour, Jenny jotted down, “Our primary user base has shifted predominantly to the 25-34 age group.” To test her retention, she later asked herself, “Which age group is now our primary user base?”


How to Use This Strategy:

  1. Post-Meeting Reflection: After jotting down your notes, take a moment to highlight or underline key points.
  2. Turn Key Points into Questions: For each highlighted point, form a question that would lead to that specific piece of information as the answer.
  3. Test Yourself: Later, perhaps the next morning or before the next related meeting, review the questions without looking at your notes. Try to answer them. Then, cross-check with your notes.


More Examples:

  • Note: “Quarterly revenue surpassed expectations by 15%.”
    • Quiz Question: “By what percentage did our quarterly revenue surpass expectations?”
  • Note: “Focus group found the new UI more intuitive than the previous version.”
    • Quiz Question: “What was the focus group’s feedback on the new UI compared to the old one?”

By constantly challenging your recall, you reinforce what you’ve learned and ensure you’re ever-prepared for any curveballs in discussions or presentations.


Make it a Habit

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Make note-taking a consistent practice, and soon you’ll be efficiently extracting precious insights.


Closing Thoughts

So there you have it! Dive into the world of note-taking with these tips and emerge with golden insights. Whether you’re an Aunt Gertrude or a Digital Danny, remember: it’s not about how much you scribble, but how much you can gleam from it. Happy note-taking! πŸ“πŸŒŸ

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