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Creating Space for Innovation: A Crucial Role for Company Leaders and Product Managers

In today’s fast-paced business landscape, innovation is the lifeblood of success. Companies that can adapt and evolve are the ones that thrive, while those that stagnate often find themselves left behind. As a company leader or product manager (PM), one of your most critical responsibilities is to create space for innovation. In this article, we will explore why fostering innovation is essential and how you can fulfil this role effectively.


The Importance of Innovation

The importance of innovation is crystal clear when we look at successful businesses that wholeheartedly embrace it. Think of companies like Apple, known for its groundbreaking iPhone, or Amazon, which transformed online shopping and cloud computing. These companies owe much of their success to their commitment to innovation.

It’s not just about introducing new products; it’s about finding clever solutions to problems and making things work better. This is why innovation should be a top priority for leaders and PMs. It’s not just a buzzword; it’s a crucial strategy that fuels long-term growth and customer loyalty in today’s fast-changing business world.


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Here’s why innovation should be a top priority for leaders:


Competitive Advantage

Imagine a company like Tesla, which innovatively combined electric vehicles with cutting-edge technology to create unique and highly sought-after electric cars. By doing so, they gained a competitive edge in the automotive market and garnered a dedicated customer base.


Growth Opportunities

Consider Netflix as an example. Initially a DVD rental service, they innovated by transitioning into a streaming platform. This innovation opened up new markets worldwide, allowing them to reach a global audience and significantly increase their profitability.


Employee Engagement

At Google, employees are encouraged to spend 20% of their time working on personal innovative projects. This freedom to explore new ideas and interests has boosted employee morale and job satisfaction and led to groundbreaking products like Gmail.


Problem Solving

During the COVID-19 pandemic, companies like Zoom quickly innovated to provide an effective remote communication and collaboration solution. They addressed the immediate challenge of social distancing and changing work dynamics, showcasing the problem-solving power of innovation.



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Creating Space for Innovation

Now, let’s delve into how company leaders and PMs can actively create an environment that encourages innovation:


Set a Vision for Innovation

Start by defining a clear vision and strategy for innovation. Outline the goals, objectives, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for your innovation efforts. Communicate this vision across the organization to align everyone’s efforts.


Think of how Steve Jobs set a clear vision for innovation. He outlined the goal of making technology beautifully designed and user-friendly, which was communicated throughout the organization. This vision led to groundbreaking products like the iPhone.


Foster a Culture of Curiosity

Cultivate a workplace culture that values curiosity, experimentation, and learning from failures. Encourage employees to ask questions, challenge the status quo, and explore new ideas.


Google encourages curiosity by allowing employees to spend time on personal projects, leading to the creation of products like Gmail. This culture values experimentation and embraces learning from failures.


Provide Resources and Support

Allocate dedicated time, budget, and resources for innovation projects. Support cross-functional teams and provide them with the necessary tools and training to pursue innovative ideas.


Companies like Amazon allocate significant resources to support innovation. Their investments in technologies like Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Prime Video provide the tools and training necessary for innovative projects to flourish.




Promote Diversity and Inclusion

Diverse teams bring varied perspectives and ideas to the table, fostering creativity and innovation. Create an inclusive environment where individuals from different backgrounds feel comfortable sharing their insights.


At IBM, diversity and inclusion are fundamental. By fostering an inclusive environment, IBM has brought together a wide range of perspectives and ideas, leading to innovations in technology and business solutions.


Embrace Risk-Taking

Encourage calculated risk-taking by acknowledging that not all innovation attempts will succeed. Create a safe space for experimentation and learning from failures rather than punishing them.


SpaceX, led by Elon Musk and Gwynne Shotwell, embraces calculated risk-taking. They acknowledge that not every rocket launch will succeed but create a safe space for learning from failures, ultimately leading to groundbreaking achievements in space exploration.


Lead by Example

As a leader or PM, demonstrate your commitment to innovation through your actions. Be open to new ideas, seek input from your team, and be willing to pivot when necessary.


Jeff Bezos has led by example throughout the company’s history. His willingness to explore new ideas, seek input, and pivot when necessary has been integral to Amazon’s innovative success.


Encourage Cross-Functional Collaboration

Collaboration between different departments and teams can lead to breakthrough innovations. Promote cross-functional collaboration by facilitating communication and knowledge sharing.


In healthcare, the Mayo Clinic promotes cross-functional collaboration among medical professionals, researchers, and administrators. This collaboration has resulted in numerous medical innovations and improved patient care.


Measure and Celebrate Success

Define clear metrics to track the impact of your innovation efforts. Celebrate and recognise individuals and teams who contribute to successful innovations, reinforcing the value of creative thinking.


Facebook (now Meta) tracks the success of its innovation efforts through metrics like user engagement and ad revenue. They celebrate the teams responsible for innovations like the News Feed, emphasizing the value of creative thinking.


Continuous Feedback Loop

Establish a feedback mechanism that allows employees to provide input on the innovation process. Encourage them to share their thoughts, concerns, and suggestions for improvement.


Microsoft utilizes a continuous feedback loop for its products and services. Through platforms like UserVoice and community engagement, they gather feedback from users, fostering ongoing improvement and innovation.


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Adapt to Market Changes

Stay attuned to market trends, emerging technologies, and customer feedback. Be prepared to adapt and pivot your innovation strategy to meet evolving demands.


Netflix constantly adapts to market changes and evolving customer preferences. By monitoring viewing habits and trends, they pivot their content and technology strategies to remain a leader in the streaming industry.



Creating space for innovation is not a one-time task; it’s an ongoing commitment that requires dedication, leadership, and a supportive environment. Company leaders and PMs play a pivotal role in nurturing a culture of innovation that can drive growth, competitiveness, and long-term success. By setting a vision, fostering curiosity, and providing the necessary resources, you can inspire your team to embrace innovation and propel your organization into a brighter and more innovative future.

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