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Inspiration and Motivation,  Professional Development,  Women in Tech

Building Personal Resilience: A Pathway to Success

In the lightning-fast world of technology, resilience is more than just a buzzword—it’s a lifeline. It’s the trait that separates those who thrive from those who merely survive. As the creator of this blog, dedicated to empowering women to be bolder and achieve more, I want to dive into the concept of personal resilience and how we can cultivate it both in our work and our lives.


Understanding Personal Resilience

Resilience is that inner strength that helps us adapt and bounce back when life throws us curveballs. It’s the invisible force that keeps us moving forward, even when the path is rocky and uncertain. Imagine resilience as a muscle; the more we exercise it, the stronger it becomes. This strength allows us to maintain a positive outlook, stay flexible in our approach, and continue forging ahead even when faced with adversity.

In the tech industry, where change is the only constant and challenges are guaranteed, building personal resilience is non-negotiable. Technology evolves quickly, introducing new tools, methodologies, and paradigms regularly. This rapid evolution requires us to continuously learn and adapt. When we embrace resilience, we’re better equipped to handle the stress and uncertainty that come with these changes.

Consider a scenario where a major project suddenly collapses due to unforeseen issues. This setback could seem insurmountable without resilience, leading to frustration and defeat. However, with resilience, we can assess the situation, learn from what went wrong, and pivot our strategy to move forward. It’s about viewing challenges not as roadblocks but as opportunities for growth and improvement.

Believe me, I’ve been there many times, both in work and in life. From experience, resilience is not easy to build or to summon in the moment of crisis. Yet, the more you practice, the stronger it becomes. One day, you’ll wake up and face the unknown with a sense of peace and calm because the unfamiliar will have become your new norm. Resilience transforms the daunting into the doable, enabling us to navigate life’s unpredictability confidently and gracefully.


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The Importance of Resilience in the Tech Industry


Adapting to Rapid Change

Imagine riding a roller coaster that keeps getting faster. Technology evolves with a swift pace, and resilience helps us embrace new tools, methodologies, and paradigms without getting thrown off track.

I have added a list of tools that have helped me improve and grow below. I hope you’ll find them useful as well.



This podcast focuses on high achievers and their strategies for excelling in various fields. It covers topics such as leadership, innovation, and adapting to change in the business world. Each episode is extremely insightful into how people have developed and build skills that you could easily add to your own routine.


Jason Fox talks to intrepid travellers, adventurers and heroes about their experiences and how they found mental and physical resilience in the face of adversity. The podcast is extremely insightful and still allows space for a bit of humor.



This book, in my humble opinion, is one of the greatest resources for building resilience. The book covers ways to harness the power of body language and goes over different mental strategies to help improve confidence.


This book dives into the concept of grit and how it can help you overcome obstacles and be able to adapt to change by persevering through difficulty.


Apps and Online Tools

Headspace is a meditation app that helps reduce stress and increase mental resilience by utilising different meditation techniques and breath work. If you are a cat owner like myself – try “Breathe with the Cat” mindful activity, you won’t regret it.


Coursera offers a wide range of courses from top universities on various subjects, including technology, leadership and management. It’s a great place to start updating your skills and keep on top of the wave of adaptability.




  • Embrace continuous learning

Make a habit of learning new things regularly, event the tiniest things. Try attending workshops, take online courses, read, watch an interesting documentary. Keep your skills sharp and your mind agile.


  • Stay Connected

Build a network of people who support you – colleagues, mentors; people sho can offer guidance and a fresh perspective. I know, feedback is not always what we want, but it;s what we need in order to grow.


  • Mindfulness and Reflection

Take time to reflect on your experience and practise mindfulness. This will help stay grounded and focused during times of significant change. And don’t judge yourself too harshly, we all make mistakes, whether it’s at work or in our personal lives. Use those moments to propel you forward.



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Overcoming Setbacks


Picture this: a project you’ve poured your heart into fails, or an opportunity slips through your fingers. The initial sting of disappointment can be overwhelming, leaving you questioning your abilities and choices. However, resilience allows us to pick ourselves up, learn from these experiences, and return stronger. It’s about transforming failure into a stepping stone for future success rather than a roadblock.

Resilience involves a mindset shift—seeing failures as temporary and specific rather than permanent and pervasive. When a project doesn’t go as planned, it’s essential to analyse what went wrong without letting the setback define your entire career or self-worth. You can identify the factors that contributed to the failure and address them constructively. Don’t take it personally, especially if the control of the situation/circumstances is out of your hands.

One effective technique to build resilience through setbacks is the “Growth Mindset Reflection” exercise. This technique, inspired by Carol Dweck’s work on growth mindset, involves a structured reflection on the failure to extract valuable lessons and insights. Here’s how it works:


Acknowledge the Setback

Begin by acknowledging the setback honestly and without judgment. Write down what happened, how it made you feel, and the immediate consequences. This step is crucial for processing the emotional impact of the failure.


Identify Learnings

Reflect on what you can learn from the experience. Ask yourself questions such as: What factors led to this outcome? Were there any warning signs I missed? What could I have done differently? Document these insights to create a clear picture of the lessons learned.


Reframe the Experience

Reframe the setback as a learning opportunity. Instead of viewing it as a failure, consider it a critical part of your growth journey. Think about how this experience has equipped you with new knowledge and skills that will help you in the future.


Set New Goals

Based on the lessons learned, set new, realistic goals. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Creating a concrete plan to move forward helps shift your focus from the past to the future.


Take Action

Implement the new strategies and approaches you’ve identified. Taking proactive steps reinforces your ability to adapt and shows that setbacks are a natural part of the learning process.


For example, imagine a software developer who faced a significant setback when a major project was cancelled due to technical issues and missed deadlines. Using the Growth Mindset Reflection exercise, the developer might identify that a lack of clear communication and insufficient testing were key factors in the project’s failure. The developer can prevent similar issues in future projects by setting new goals to improve these areas—such as implementing regular team check-ins and enhancing the testing process.

Resilience is not about avoiding failure but rather about embracing it as an inevitable part of growth. By systematically reflecting on setbacks and applying the lessons learned, you can transform failures into powerful catalysts for personal and professional development. This approach not only builds resilience but also fosters a proactive and adaptive mindset, crucial for thriving in the dynamic tech industry.

Remember, each setback is an opportunity to refine your skills, expand your knowledge, and strengthen your resilience. With practice, you’ll find that setbacks become less daunting and more manageable, empowering you to navigate the unpredictable landscape of your career with confidence and poise.



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Real-Life Examples of Resilience


There are plenty of examples of strong women who have failed before they succeeded, including historical figures whose perseverance has had lasting significance. Consider Eleanor Roosevelt, who faced numerous personal and public challenges, including the loss of both parents at a young age and an early marriage filled with personal struggles. Despite these setbacks, she became a powerful advocate for human rights and an influential First Lady. Another example is Marie Curie, who faced significant obstacles in her pursuit of education and scientific research due to gender biases. Her persistence led her to become the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields. Similarly, Harriet Tubman, born into slavery, faced immense dangers and setbacks in her quest for freedom, but she persisted and became a key figure in the Underground Railroad, leading many to freedom and later advocating for women’s suffrage.

Even in modern times, we have inspiring examples. Malala Yousafzai, who at a young age was targeted and shot by the Taliban for advocating for girls’ education in Pakistan, did not let this horrific experience deter her. Instead, she used her platform to amplify her voice on a global scale, becoming the youngest-ever Nobel Prize laureate and continuing her fight for education rights worldwide. Her story is a testament to the power of resilience in the face of life-threatening adversity.


The Role of Mentorship in Building Resilience


Mentorship can play a crucial role in building resilience. Having a mentor provides a supportive relationship where you can seek guidance, feedback, and encouragement. Mentors can share their own experiences of overcoming setbacks, providing a valuable perspective that helps mentees navigate their own challenges. They can also offer practical advice on developing resilience, such as effective coping strategies and ways to maintain a growth mindset. Establishing a mentor-mentee relationship can be incredibly beneficial for personal and professional development, especially in fast-paced and demanding fields like technology.

If you’re just starting out in the tech industry, feeling uncertain, or seeking advice and a friendly chat, I’m here for you. I’m passionate about helping others navigate this exciting journey, and I’m more than happy to guide and support you along the way. Don’t hesitate to reach out—let’s embark on this adventure together!


Cultivating a Resilient Mindset Through Community Support


Building resilience is not a solo journey; it often requires the support of a community. Engaging with a community of like-minded individuals can provide a sense of belonging and shared purpose, which is essential for maintaining resilience. Participating in professional groups, attending industry conferences, and joining online forums can connect you with peers who are facing similar challenges. These connections can offer emotional support, practical advice, and opportunities for collaboration. By fostering a strong community network, you can draw strength from collective resilience and mutual support.


Professional Groups

A collaborative community in the UK dedicated to empowering women in the IT industry to make career choices through news, guidance, inspirational case studies, job opportunities and events.


Offers support and networking opportunities for women in IT, including events, webinars, and local meetups.


Industry Conferences

An annual conference in London focused on addressing gender diversity in the tech industry. It offers keynotes, panels, and networking sessions.


A London-based festival that explores the impact of technology on future society, offering inspirational talks and networking opportunities.


Local Meetups and Networking Events

Regular meetups and events focusing on coding, career development, and networking for women in tech.


Organizes free programming workshops for underrepresented groups in tech, including women, with chapters in London, Manchester, and other UK cities.


The Importance of Physical Health in Building Resilience

Physical health is closely linked to mental resilience. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep are foundational to maintaining the energy and focus needed to tackle challenges. Exercise, in particular, has been shown to reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall well-being. Incorporating physical activity into your routine, whether through sports, yoga, or even daily walks, can significantly enhance your resilience. Paying attention to your physical health ensures that you have the stamina and vitality to cope with both personal and professional demands.


Wherever you are in your journey, remember that the first step is the most crucial. There will be setbacks and challenges, but also moments of triumph and joy. Don’t let the dragon on the bridge deter you—greet it with confidence and keep moving forward, knowing you have important places to be and goals to achieve. You’ve got this!



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