About Me


Delighted you’ve landed on this page.


I’m Georgia, and this isn’t just any tech blog; it’s a chronicle of my adventures in the digital realm. A warm welcome to my tech-savvy haven.

Dive in, and you’ll find a blend of code mysteries, agile escapades, and product tales. Yes, the tech world is a maze of code, charts, and workflows. But oh, the thrill of cracking that code, the allure of streamlining processes, and the exhilaration when a project clicks into place!


My journey through tech landscapes, agile tunnels, and project mazes has seen me don many roles – from an enthusiastic coder to a strategic scrum master, from a team leader orchestrating symphonies to a mentor shaping the next tech maestros. And in this dance of binaries and boards, I’ve realized it’s not just about methodologies. It’s about the vibrant community, the shared eureka, and the joy of transforming abstracts into tangibles.


With a backdrop painted with Gantt charts and a foreground buzzing with Scrum boards, I’ve found stories – tales of triumphs, learnings from missteps, and lessons from the unique vantage point of a woman in tech.